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Genesis 27 … Consider His Predetermination

Originally posted: 01/26/2019

Predetermination: “the act of predetermining; the act of establishing or deciding in advance.”

Genesis 27 is filled with the bitter fruit of a fallen world: parental favoritism; sibling rivalry; conniving; elaborate underhanded scheming; cheating; stealing; the plotting of revenge; planning the getaway. And I confess, much of it is very perplexing.

God had clearly communicated to Rebekah while the twins were jostling in her womb, that it was to be the younger, Jacob, who would receive the blessing. So why did it come by way of deception? Could it not have come through way of cooperation and obedience?

These answers remain a mystery to me, but I am thankful He has extended an invitation to approach His Word with one focus: to Consider Him in every chapter, to see Him increase, “He must increase, but I must decrease,” (John 3:30).

While intentionally seeking Him, we will also realize traits about others, and yes ourselves, but the main objective is that we see and consider Him. (Remember the definition of consider is “to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on.”). Considering Him should always generate a decisive response.

Consider His Predetermination

How can we respond to His Predetermination?

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