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Numbers 15 … Consider Him, Forthright in His Fidelity

Originally posted: 06/07/2019

Forthright: “proceeding in a straight course; direct; straightforward.”
Fidelity: “faithfulness to promises, duties, etc.; loyalty; adherence to fact or detail.”

Numbers 14 ends on a note of hopeless defeat; the people, attempting to conquer the land in their own strength apart from the LORD’s Presence accompanying them into battle, are overcome and beat down with no hope of taking hold of the Promised Land.

In the morning, however, they rose up early and went up to the ridge of the hill country, saying, “Here we are; we have indeed sinned, but we will go up to the place which the Lord has promised.” 41 But Moses said, “Why then are you transgressing the commandment of the Lord, when it will not succeed? 42 Do not go up, or you will be struck down before your enemies, for the Lord is not among you… 44 But they went up heedlessly to the ridge of the hill country; neither the ark of the covenant of the Lord nor Moses left the camp. 45 Then the Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived in that hill country came down, and struck them and beat them down as far as Hormah, (Numbers 14:40-45).

Despite their unfaithfulness and failure, despite their rebellion and rejection of His Word, we see Him, high and lifted up, the faithful LORD, Forthright in His promise, perfect in His Fidelity, loyal to His chosen people and adhering to every detail of His covenant.

Consider Him, Forthright in His Fidelity

First and foremost, His Fidelity is not contingent upon anything other than His faithful nature and character. His Fidelity is manifest in faultless harmony with His sovereign will, Forthright in the Greatness of His Lovingkindness.

How do we respond to Him, Forthright in His Fidelity?

As we spend these many days in the Old Testament, we see His unchanging Fidelity; He is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). As we fix our gaze on His Fidelity as seen in the pages of Numbers, we see the same manifestations of Him, Forthright in His Fidelity toward us every day.

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